Greetings from Tina

Thank you for visiting My Beauty World. Whether by random click or through a specific search I hope you will find something here that peaks your interest.

I have been dreaming of starting this site for many years. I love beauty! The latest serums, new foundation textures, mascara brushes, you name it...I have to try all. Yes, I'm a truly self-confessed beauty junkie!

My passion for skincare goes back to my teenage years. Suffering from bad acne I would read everything I could find about skincare and spent most of my pocket money on the latest treatment products. I quickly realised that harsh products which stripped your skin of oils had to be avoided. Although alternatives were limited I found some amazing gentle yet effective products from a very well-known brand which incidentally I ended up working for later in life, but that is a different story.

Today there is an endless array of brands to chose from and it can be challenging to navigate this jungle of beauty.